Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meg arrives in Germany

So I arrived in Germany the morning of May 31st. I took Air India and let me tell you, the seats were like sitting on a wooden board. Needless to say I did not sleep the full 8 hours of the flight. At one point I opened up the window shade and it was bright outside, as if it were not the middle of the night like my body felt it was. Once I landed I did as my sisters instructed me too; put on a cute outfit, brushed my hair and put on some makeup. I mean I had to look nice for my boyfriend who was letting me stay with him for the next three months. When I finally arrived at baggage claim and Dave wasn't there I felt sort of panicked, but then I saw the declare or nothing to declare area. The doors opened on the other side of the gate and there he was a big smile on his face. I made it through and finally we reconnected. I was pretty much out of it the entire first day.....but we decided to go to Burg Nanstein (castle)to start out the European Adventure!

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